I am a 30-something that has spent the last 8 years in lower middle market private equity. In the simplest of terms, my day job (and evening, and weekends, and late night job) over the past eight years consists of analyzing small private companies, developing a view on what those companies are worth, helping to facilitate a transaction to purchase a part of those companies, and then helping to grow those companies to the next level of success.
Before small deal private equity, I co-founded a very small manufacturing company in the Mid-Atlantic that focused on providing food products to the institutional foodservice space. Basically – the least sexy business you can imagine. But feel free to ask me any question you want on soup bases!
Why do I actively manage this site? I assure you that it’s not for the abundance of free time that I have at my job! I love evaluating small companies, and have a passion for meeting, interacting, and learning from entrepreneurs. So my hobby is answering questions here [‘Ask A Question’] or getting a new request for a free valuation here [ ‘Free Valuation ], it makes my day! And in no way is that depressing to my wife…
Thanks for coming to the site! Be sure to ask a question or request a free valuation.
-Ask Private Equity